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Staer /Norway/: 24 + 25 October 2014

    Staer /Stavenger, Norway/ Live in:

    Sofia @Maze, October 24 2014

    Plovdiv @Charlie’s Theater, October 25 2014

    One year and a half took for Staer guys to come back with their heavy noise apocalypto rock. And it fired up the fuse of happiness.  Sweet Heaviness!

    In addition Staer brought their friend Gaute Granli who did and awesome opening set (especially in Plovdiv). Consolation for Sofia – we invited local noisy pop-rockers Doesn’t Frogs to support and gather some attention.

    Event links here and here. Few pics here. And fan review from Ilko Birov here.

    Staer Sofia Poster

    Staer Plovdiv Poster